The Advent of OA Publishing and the Changing Landscape of Scholarly Publishing

December 21, 2023

For millennia, research articles have remained behind paywalls or in the hands of the elite., the first repository used by researchers to self-archive articles, marks the beginning of the open access (OA) movement. Later, in 1994, with the advent of the internet, Dr. Stevan Harnard encouraged authors to publish articles with OA. The Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) coined the term “open access, and slowly OA journals came into the picture. OA has come a long way, and now we have governments of various nations mandating OA laws and supporting cOAlition S.

Social Implications

A report issued by the National Institute of Health confirms the rising cost of traditional publishing. These high costs make the dissemination of information difficult. When researchers take advantage of OA publishing, the general public will have access to information that can be used for personal and professional requirements.

Research Implications

Attracting grants is highly competitive, and researchers must prove the relevance of their research to funders. In 2022, 142 OA policies were adopted by funders, depicting a change in the increasing worldwide support for OA. Many policies also mention metadata and/or research data. An increasing number of institutions are starting to set up their policies to accommodate funder requirements and simplify their workflows.

Organizational Implications

University libraries have the means to pay for expensive subscriptions. Transformative agreements that provided open access to the research outputs of the UK’s elite institutions show how major publishers continue to remain significant although some aspects of power are shifting toward libraries. However, inequity prevails in institutions that cannot afford a decent agreement and in small society publishers whose publishing revenue supports their other activities. Prestigious closed-access journals with high impact factors still have a good influx of high-quality articles, removing the necessity of an OA business model.

The goal of transitioning to OA may be global, but each country has its own pace. The United States, China, and the UK lead the world in OA publications, while countries with lower socioeconomic statuses are falling behind.

Researcher Implications

More than 60 percent of authors do not have a clear understanding of the OA model and continue to prefer subscription journals. The publisher often retains the copyright to their work, preventing the use of such information elsewhere. Researchers who prefer to have full control of their work can opt for OA publishing.

According to a research conducted in 2020, 56.86 percent of journals have some form of OA: green, gold, or hybrid.

Navigating changes in the publishing industry can present new challenges for the scholarly community. Preprint servers continue to grow in popularity. Collaborative research is on the rise and helps solve issues that require immediate attention and expertise in multiple fields. Technological innovations enable the streamlining of workflows and digital preservation. Artificial intelligence has a high scope in the automation of manual processes.

Nvcleus and OA Publishing

Nvcleus’s unified content framework offers a one-stop solution for every stage of publishing, enabling scalable and highly collaborative content workflows and eliminating unnecessary production costs and delays. Built on a fully open source platform, Nvcleus optimizes author, editor, and peer reviewer experiences. Get in touch with our expert for a demo.


