9 Key Reasons Why Academic Journals Benefit from Advanced Publishing Platforms

June 20, 2023


Embarking on a transformative journey, the global digital publishing market is set to soar to new heights, reaching a staggering $67.86 billion by 2027, with a dynamic CAGR of 10.2 percent. Fueling this remarkable growth, the market is projected to surge from $41.35 billion in 2022 to $45.98 billion in 2023, boasting an impressive CAGR of 11.2 percent. In fact, the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting shift to remote work have served to reinforce a preexisting acceleration toward digital resource acquisition. Witnessing a remarkable 10 percent surge in digital format dominance within the science and technology sector, the demand for easily shareable digital resources propels the industry forward. In the face of these challenges and shifting market dynamics, Nvcleus stands out as a game-changing solution for academic publishers. Nvcleus is a revolutionary platform designed to address the challenges faced by publishers and propel them toward success in the digital era.

At Nvcleus, we understand the limitations related to both traditional publishing processes and many of the fragmented technology options available to date, which are faced by publishers. Our comprehensive multichannel platform addresses these challenges head-on. With Nvcleus, you can revolutionize your publishing workflow and overcome the obstacles that have been holding you back. The creation of Nvcleus involved diverse resources and expertise from Amnet and the open source community, including insights from publishing industry experts and collaboration with the Coko Foundation.

  1. Are you constantly worried about content integrity? With Nvcleus, you can ensure the highest level of integrity for your academic publications. Our platform incorporates robust security measures and verification processes, giving you peace of mind that your content is protected and trustworthy.
  1. Do real-time updates seem like a distant dream? Nvcleus makes it a reality. Our platform provides real-time notifications and updates, enabling you to respond swiftly to changes and keep your readers engaged. Nvcleus enables real-time collaboration between editors and peer reviewers, allowing 24-7 communication during the peer review process.
  1. Are you missing out on the benefits of open source collaboration? Discover the power of Nvcleus in collaboration with the Coko Foundation to leverage open source technology. By joining forces, we offer you a unique advantage that enables you to expand your reach, optimize your costs, and enhance your publishing efforts. 
  1. Is the submission-to-delivery process taking too long? Streamline and expedite the entire workflow with Nvcleus. Our platform leverages cognitive technology to automate key processes; reduce manual tasks; and ensure efficient collaboration between authors, reviewers, and editors, resulting in faster turnaround times and accelerated time-to-market.
  1. Is the peer review process dragging on, delaying publication? Nvcleus simplifies and accelerates peer review. Our platform reduces the risk of compromising content integrity, provides intuitive tools for reviewers, and enables seamless communication, allowing for prompt and constructive feedback. Speed up the review process, and enhance the quality of your publications.
  1. Is single-source production still a distant dream? Nvcleus can make it a reality. This innovative, automated ecosystem deploys a single-source HTML process, eliminating the need for manual conversion or formatting of content into multiple formats to streamline preprint submission, peer review, editorial, and publishing workflows. It is a single-source platform leveraging HTML and built on open source technology, ensuring the integrity and quality of outputs.
  1. Is your production process stuck in the past? Nvcleus brings your production process into the digital age. Our platform improves efficiency and productivity by simplifying the workflow, ensuring content consistency, reducing time and effort, enhancing content integrity, reducing dependency on third-party tools, enabling seamless updates and versioning, and promoting collaboration among stakeholders. Publishers can achieve higher productivity levels, deliver content faster, and maintain the quality and integrity of their scholarly journals.
  1. Are you tired of blowing your budget on expensive resources? Nvcleus offers cost-effective solutions without compromising quality. Our platform optimizes resource allocation, minimizes unnecessary expenses, and maximizes the value you get from your budget. Nvcleus offers time-savings; accuracy; integrity; flexibility; improved workflow; and increased visibility, reporting, and analytics, providing a seamless content experience for users.
  1. Is wasted time costing you money? Nvcleus helps you reclaim lost time and boost productivity. Our platform automates repetitive tasks, eliminates manual errors, and facilitates seamless collaboration, allowing you to focus on what matters most: delivering high-quality publications.

Join the growing community of publishers that have chosen Nvcleus as their preferred platform for academic journals. Experience the difference that a streamlined, efficient, and innovative publishing solution makes. With Nvcleus, you can overcome your challenges, unlock new opportunities, and achieve success in the competitive world of academic publishing.

Stats Source

  1. https://www.stm-assoc.org/2022_08_24_STM_White_Report_a4_v15.pdf
  1. https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/digital-publishing-global-market-report
